CHSS 2018
25 june 2018 - PRESENTATIONS:
Community based monitoring of frailty, and specific interventions to prevent frailty
Marco Arkesteijn, Aberystwyth UnivesityHow to pitch a business in a Connected health Domain
Pelle Viberg, RaytelligenceResearch Ethics: Planning your trial and Securing Ethical Approval
Paul McCullagh, Ulster University
26 june 2018 - PRESENTATIONS:
Engaging with users and evaluating connected health solutions
Sara Quattrini, Florence University - ItalyBusiness model and marketing channels
Terje Grimstad, Karde AS - Norway
27 june 2018 - PRESENTATIONS:
Designing Interventions for Health Behaviour Change An Introduction
Jane Walsh, National University of Ireland - GalwayIoT and Mobile in Connected health: a commercial prospective
Olivier Horbowy, STMicroelectronicsRemote Patient Monitoring: business case ECG
Olivier Horbowy, STMicroelectronics
28 june 2018 - PRESENTATIONS:
Intelligent Medical Platform & Silo Construction
Sungyoung Lee, Kyung Hee UniversityConnected health: A Government Perspective
Nick Batey, Llywodraeth Cymru - Welsh Government